Brain Korea 21

Participating Professors

Professor KWEON Sug-In
Prof. Kweon Sug-in’s research interests include Japanese area studies, identity in marginal groups, migration and diaspora, women and migration/displacement, Japanese in colonized Korea, and Zainichi Korean residents in Japan. She has also conducted studies on the Japanese emperor system, gender and Japanese society, and the anthropology of tourism.
Education & Positions

2006 - Present
  Professor, Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University

2000 - 2006  Professor, Department of Japanese Studies, Sookmyung Women’s University

1994  Ph.D., M.A. (Anthropology) Stanford University

1985  B.A. (Anthropology) Seoul National University 
Office Address
Room 406, Bldg. 16 (College of Social Sciences)
Office Tel. / E-mail
+82-2-880-6422 / ksugin@snu.ac.kr
Courses Taught
Undergraduate: Understanding Japanese Culture, Gender and Culture, Globalization and Cultural Changes
Graduate: Studies of Japanese Culture, Transnational Migration and Diaspora
Research Interests
Japanese Area Studies, Politics of Identity, Zainichi Korean, Transnational Migration, Gender and Culture, Japanese in Colonial Korea
1994 Politics of Furusato in Aizu, Japan:Local Identities and Metropolitan Discourses, Stanford University, Ph.D dissertation.

2017 일하고 일하고 또 일했어요: 재일한인 1세 여성의 노동 경험과 그 의미 [I worked, worked and worked: Labor experiences of first generation ethnic Korean women in Japan].『사회와 역사』[Society and History] 113.

2016 Anthropological Studies of Japan in Korea since the 1980s. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 16: 167-179.

2014 현대 일본의 젠더와 섹슈얼리티 [Gender and sexuality in contemporary Japan]. 『일본비평』11호  [Korean Journal of Japanese Studies] 11. 

2014 식민지 조선의 일본인 화류계 여성 - 한 게이샤 여성의 생애사를 통해 본 주변부 여성 식민자 [Japanese prostitutes in colonial Joseon: Japanese female colonists from the perspective of a geisha]. 『사회와 역사』[Society and History] 103.

2014  Japanese Female Settlers in Colonial Korea: Between the "Benefits" and "Constraints" of Colonial Society. Social Science Japan Journal 17(2): 169-188.

2013 전후 천황제와 젠더: 황태자비 마사코의 시련과 황실의 위기를 중심으로 [The post-war emperor system and gender: Crown Princess Masako’s trial and the Crisis of the Imperial family]. 『일본비평』 [Korean Journal of Japanese Studies] 9.

2012  Were There New Women and Moga in Japanese Community of Colonial Korea? Exploring Gender Politics and Colonialism. Harvard-Yenching Institute Working Paper.

2011 일본의 전통, 교토의 섬유산업을 뒷받침해온 재일조선인  [A Korean resident in Japan supports Kyoto’s traditional textile industry]. 『사회와 역사』 [Society and History] 91.

2011 소토코모리, 일본 밖을 떠도는 젊은이들: 시대의 폐색으로부터 탈출, 혹은 신자유주의의 희생양? [Sotokomori, young Japanese who wander abroad: An escape from the dead-end of an era, or a scapegoat of neoliberalism?].『일본비평』 [Korean Journal of Japanese Studies] 5.

2010 일본, 근대와 함께 부과된 과제 [A task imposed on modern Japan].『일본비평』 [Korean Journal of Japanese Studies] 3.

2010 다문화정책 '선진국'의 경험과 한국사회에 대한 함의: 호주, 프랑스, 일본의 사례로부터 [Multicultural policies of developed nations and the implications for Korean society: A case study in Australia, France, and Japan].『지식의 지평』 [Orbis Sapientiae] 8.

2010 히노데소학교의 덕혜옹주-기억의 파편에 조우하며 [Princess Deokhae in Hinodae Elementary School—Encountering a fragmented memory]. 『일본비평』 [Korean Journal of Japanese Studies 2.

2009 일본의 '다민족 다문화화'와 일본연구 [Multiracial and multiculturalization of Japan]. 『일본연구논총』 [The Korean Journal for Japanese Studies] 29.

2008 디아스포라 재일한인의 '귀환'-한국사회에서의 경험과 정체성 [The return of Korean residents in Japan to Korea: Their identity and experiences in Korean society].『국제지역연구』International Area Studies Review 14(3).

2008 식민지 조선의 일본인-피식민 조선인과의 만남과 식민의식의 형성 [Encounters between Japanese and Koreans in colonized Joseon and the formation of colonial consciousness].『사회와 역사』[Society and History] 80. 

2008 식민지배기 조선 내 일본인학교-회고록을 통해 본 소・중학교 경험을 중심으로 [A glimpse of Japanese elementary and middle Schools in colonized Korea as told in a memoir]. 『사회와 역사』 [Society and History] 77.

2006 “도한(渡韓)의 권유”-1900년대 초두 한국이민론 속의 한국과 일본 [Migrating to Korea: Korea, Japan, and the early theories of Korean migration in the 1900s]. 『사회와 역사』 [Society and History] 69.

2005 현지화, 정형화, 지구화: 재 멕시코/일본 한인의 민족음식문화 [Localization, standardization, and globalization: Mexican and Korean ethnic food culture in Japan].『비교문화연구』[Cross-Cultural Studies] 11(2).

2003 “유적”에서 “생활문화”로: 현대 일본사회에서 문화관광의 새로운 전개 [From historical ruins to living culture: The development of cultural tourism in contemporary Japan]. 『비교문화연구』[Cross-Cultural Studies] 9(2).

2003 Popular discourses on Korean culture: From the late 1980s to the present. Korea Journal 43(1): 32-57.

2003 일본문화를 보는 세 가지 눈: 루스 베네딕트, 나카네 지에, 노마 필드 [Three eyes from which to view Japanese culture: Ruth Benedict, Nakane Jie, and Norma Field]. 『국제지역연구』[International Area Studies Review] 12(1).

2002 월경(越境)하는 정체성: 재일한인, 민족, 그리고 '우리' [Koreans in Japan, Ethnicity, and 'Uri'=Border-crossing Identities]. 『민족발전연구』[Minjok Baljeon Yeongu] 7.

2002 현대일본사회에서 “민속”의 의미: 분석적 쟁점을 중심으로 [An analysis of the controversial meaning of “ethnicity” in contemporary Japan]. 『일본사상』 [Journal of Japanese Thought] 4.

2002  with Yi, Keonman 이건만, Bak, Bukwon 박부권, Yi, Mina 이미나, Kim Dail 김대일, co-authors.정보사회 지체로 인한 학교붕괴 해소책 연구:I(정보) 주도적 학습체제와 N(네트워크) 문화 학교풍토개발을 중심으로 [Preventing school disintegration resulting from IT lag: The development of the information-centered learning system and the learning environment of the network culture]. 『시민교육연구』[Theory and Research in Citizenship Education] 34(1). 

2000 이세신궁 참배의 성과 속: “세상유람”에서 “문화관광”으로 [Inside the Ise Jingu Shrine worship: From “sightseeing the world” to “cultural tourism”]. 『한국문화인류학』 [Korean Cultural Anthropology] 33(1).

1999 대중적 한국문화론의 생산과 소비: 1980년대 후반 이후를 중심으로 [A discourse on the production and consumption of Korean popular culture of the late 1980s and beyond]. 『정신문화연구』[The Academy of Korean Studies] 22(2). 

1998  The Extended Family in Contemporary Korea: Changing Patterns of Co-residence. Korea Journal 38(3).

1998 역사와 전통을 자원으로 한 관광의 생산: <아이즈복고회>의 사례를 중심으로 [The production of tourism using history and tradition as resources: A case study of Aizau Revival Society]. 『국제지역연구』[International Area Studies Review] 7(4).

1998 차 한잔에의 초대'-현지조사, 인류학자의 정체성, 한국인의 일본연구 [An invitation for a cup of tea—The identity of an anthropologist: A field study report of Japan by a Korean]. 『한국문화인류학』[Korean Cultural Anthropology] 31(1).

1998 소비사회와 세계체제 확산 속에서의 한국문화론 [A discourse on Korean culture: A consumer society and the expansion of the world system]. 『비교문화연구』[Cross-Cultural Studies] 4.

1998 북미지역에서의 일본학교육의 구성과 운영 [The structure and management of Japanese studies in North America]. 『국제지역연구』[International Area Studies Review] 7(2).

1997 일본제국시대(1868-1945)의 여성의 지위-정치적 보수주의와 “양처현모” 이념의 대두 [The status of women, political conservatism and the idea of “the good house wife” of Imperial Japan]. 『한국문화인류학』[Korea Cultural Anthropology] 30(1).

1997 근세 일본에서 대중관광의 발달과 종교: '이세마이리'(이세신궁참배)를 중심으로 [Religion and the development of tourism in early modern Japan—A case study of pilgrimage to Ise].『국제지역연구』[International Area Studies Review] 6(1).

1996 현대일본사회와 전통(성)의 공간: 오쿠아이즈의 한 민숙의 사례를 중심으로 [Contemporary Japanese society and space for traditionality: A case study of a residential lodging in Okuaizu]. 『한국문화인류학』 Korean Cultural Anthropology 29(1).

1995 아이덴티티 정치: “헤세볼런티어협회”의 실천을 중심으로 [Identity politics at Heisei Volunteer Association] 『한국문화인류학』[Korean Cultural Anthropology] 28(1).

1988  (with Harumi Befu and David McConnell) NIHONJINRON: How Real is the Myth. Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Annual Studies 37.

[Book Chapters]
1997 “Supu no Samenai Kyori”: The Search for an Ideal in the Care of the Elderly in Contemporary Japan. In Susanne Formanek and Sepp Linhart, eds. Aging: Asian Concepts and Experiences, Past and Present, pp. 369-381. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 

2002 “第二章: 日本の家・親族の特徴とその文化的含意,” 『韓日社會組織の比較』, 伊藤亜人·韓敬九 
編著, 慶應義塾出版會.

2002 13. 대중문화와 일상생활 [Popular culture and everyday life, 13]. In Ilbon hakgyoyuk hyeopeuihwe일본학교육협의회 엮음, ed.『일본의 이해』[Understanding Japan]. Taehagsa태학사.

2002  with Han Kyeonggu, Ito Abito, co-authors. [Chapter 2: The characteristics of Japanese ie relatives and their cultural implications: a comparison with Korean society]. 『한일사회조직의 비교』[The comparison between Korean and Japanese social structures]. Korea University Ayeon chulpanbu고려대 아연출판부.

2002 의생활과 주생활 [The business of dressing and living]. In Korean Cultural Anthropology한국문화인류학회 편, ed.『일본 관서지역 한인동포의 생활문화』[The culture of ethnic Koreans in Kansai, Japan]. National Folk Museum of Korea 국립민속박물관.

2004  Ⅵ. 식생활  [VI. Food Culture]. In『멕시코 한인동포의 생활문화』 [The culture of Koreans in Mexico]. National Folk Museum of Korea국립민속박물관.

2004  Ⅶ. 의생활.주생활.생활용구 [VII Clothing, residential life, and house appliances]. In『멕시코 한인동포의 생활문화』[The culture of Koreans in Mexico]. National Folk Museum of Korea 국립민속박물관.

2007 “第九章, 帰属とアイデンティティの分化と統合: 変貌する在日韓国人社会の地平,”  
『中心と周緣からみた日韓社會の諸相』. 伊藤亞人·韓敬九 編, 慶應義塾大學出版會. 

2007  with Han Kyeonggu한경구 and Ito Abito 이토아비토, co authors. 9. 귀속과 정체성의 분화와 통합: 변모하는 재일한인사회의 지평 [9. Differentiation and integration of belonging and identity: The transformation of Japanese society of Koreans]. In『한·일 사회의 중심과 주변』. Korea University Ayeon chulpanbu 고려대아연출판부.

2009 초국가 시대의 코리안 디아스포라 [The Korean diaspora in a transnational era]. In Choe, Wonsik최원식, Baek, Yeongseo백영서, Sin, Yunhwan신윤환, Kang, Taeung강태웅 엮음, eds.『동아시아의 오늘과 내일』[Today and tomorrow of East Asia]. Nonhyeong chulpansa논형출판사.

2010 서장, 일본의 '다민족ㆍ다문화화'와 일본 연구: 다문화 일본 연구의 이론적 함의와 가능성 [Multi-racialization and culturalization of Japan and Japanese studies; The implications and possibilities]. In『다문화사회 일본과 정체성 정치』[Multicutural Japan and Identity Politics]. Seoul National Unversity Press서울대학교출판문화원.

2011  Choe, Wonsik최원식, Baek, Yeongseo백영서, Sin, Yunhwan신윤환, Kang, Taeung강태웅 엮음,co-authors.포쿠리테라 오래된 희망, 평안한 죽음 [An old hope and peaceful death of Pokuritera]. In『키워드로 읽는 동아시아』[Reading East Asia with keywords]. Imagine이매진.

2011  Choe, Wonsik최원식, Baek, Yeongseo백영서, Sin, Yunhwan신윤환; Kang, Taeung강태웅 엮음,co-authors. 히키아게샤 그리운“후루사토” Hikiagesya and their beloved “Hurusato.” In『키워드로 읽는 동아시아』 [Reading East Asia with keywords]. Imagine이매진.

2011  Choe, Wonsik최원식, Baek, Yeongseo백영서; Sin, Yunhwan신윤환; Kang, Taeung강태웅 엮음, co-authors. 재일 코리안: 재일 코리안의 '지금, 여기' [Koreans in Japan: Their here and now]. In『키워드로 읽는 동아시아』 [Reading East Asia with keywords]. Imagine이매진.

2011  Choe, Wonsik최원식, Baek, Yeongseo백영서; Sin, Yunhwan신윤환, Kang, Taeung 강태웅 엮음, co-authors. 소토코모리 : 밖으로 나간 히키코모리 [2011 Soto-komori: The wandering Hikigomori]. In『키워드로 읽는 동아시아』[Reading East Asia with keywords]. Imagine이매진.

2012  서문: 전통문화, 그 번잡한 교차로 [Traditional culture and its complicated intersections]. In『현대 일본의 전통문화: 새로운 과거, 오래된 현재. In [The traditional culture of contemporary Japan: A new past and an old present]  권숙인 엮음Kweon, Sukin [Kweon, Sug-In], ed.  Parkmungak박문사.

2012 일본의 전통, 교토의 섬유산업을 뒷받침해온 재일조선인 [An ethnic Korean in Japan supports Kyoto’s traditional textile industry].『현대 일본의 전통문화: 새로운 과거, 오래된 현재』[The traditional culture of contemporary Japan: A new past and an old present]  권숙인 엮음Kweon, Sukin [Kweon, Sug-In], ed. Parkmungak박문사.

2013 Les colons japonais en Corée sous l’empire colonial : confrontations avec les Coréens et formation d’une conscience colonial. In Robert Belot, Woo Bong Ha et Jung Sook Bae, eds. Coree-France, Regards Croises sur Deux Societes Face a L'occupation Etrangere. Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard. 

2014 식민지 조선의 일본인 [Japanese in Colonial Korea]. In Korea-Japan Historical Society한일문화교류기금 편, ed.『일본을 말하다』 [About Japan]. Kyungin Publishing 경인문화사.

2014 Ethnic Korean Returnees from Japan in Korea: Experiences and Identities. In Yuk Wah Chan, David Haines and Jonathan H. X. Lee, eds. The Age of Asian Migration: Continuity, Diversity, and Susceptibility. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2016 전후 천황제와 젠더: 황태자비 마사코의 시련과 황실의 위기를 중심으로 [The post-war emperor system and gender: Crown Princess Masako’s hardship and the crisis of the Imperial family]. In『젠더와 일본사회』[Gender and Japanese society]. 권숙인·김효진·지은숙 엮음Kweon, Sukin [Kweon, Sug-In]; Kim, Hyojin; Ji, Eunsuk, eds. Hanul한울.

2017 The Extended Family in Contemporary Korea: Changing Patterns of Co-residence. In Andrew E. Kim,
ed. Contemporary Korea: An Introduction. Korea University Press. 

1996 『현대일본사회와 지방의 아이덴티티』[Contemporary Japanese society and regional identities]. Seoul National University Press 서울대학교 출판부. 

2003 with Yang, Jonghoe양종회, Kim, Wusik김우식, co-authors.『영국의 문화산업체계』[The cultural industry system of Great Britain]. Jisik madang 지식마당.

2005  with Kim, Kwang Eok김광억and other co-authors.『종족과 민족: 그 보편성과 단일성의 신화를 넘어서』[Beyond the Myths of Ethnicity: Anthropological Approaches]. Arche아르케. (외 공저) 

2005  with Yi Jiwon이지원, co-author.『일본의 문화산업체계』[The cultural industry system of Japan] Jisik Madang지식마당. 

2005  with Han Sangil한상일, Kim Yeongjak김영작 외 and other co-authors.『일본형시스템: 위기와 변화』[Japanese system: Its crisis and change]. Ilchokak일조각. 

2006  with Mun Okpyo문옥표and Hwang Dalki황달기, co-authors.『일본인의 여행과 관광문화』[The Travel and tourism culture of Japanese]. Sohwa소화. 

2007 『다민족·다문화사회 진전에 있어서의 사회 갈등 양상과 극복과정: 호주와 일본의 사례』[The conflict and the process of reconciliation between multi-racial and cultural societies: Cases in Australia and Japan]. 한국여성개발원 협동연구총서 Hanguk yeoseong kebalwon hyeopdong yeongu chongseo. (이태주, Julia Martinez, Yamamoto Kaori공저) (Yi, Taeju; Julia Martinez, Yamamoto Kaori, co-authors).

[Edited Works]
2010 『다문화사회 일본과 정체성 정치』[Identity politics and multi-cultural Japan]. Seoul National University Press서울대학교출판문화원.

2012 『현대 일본의 전통문화: 새로운 과거, 오래된 현재』[Traditional culture of contemporary Japan: A new past and an old present]. Parkmunsa박문사. 

2016  with Kim Hyojin김효진 and Ji Eunsuk지은숙, co-editors.『젠더와 일본사회』[Gender and Japanese society] Hanul 한울.

1998  with Han, Kyeonggu한경구, Yi, Sukjong이숙종, Choe, Eunbong최은봉, co-translators.『일본, 허울뿐인 풍요』[Japan, rich only in appearance]. Changbi Publishers창작과 비평사. 

2000 『​문화와 진리』​[Culture and truth]. (Renato Rosaldo). Acanet 아카넷.

2008  with Kim Hyeonmi김현미, co-translator.『여성·문화·사회』[Women, culture, society]. (L. Lamphere & M. Rosaldo, eds.). Hangilsa한길사. 

[Research Reports]
2011 파독간호사의 이주경험과 생활  [The life of nurses dispatched to foregin countries]. 『파독간호 평가사업 최종보고서』 [The final evaluation of dispatched nurses]. Gukhwoe Yiaeju Euiwonsil국회 이애주 의원실.
Recent Research Projects
Japanese in Colonial Joseon
Japanese Society and Gender (2014-2915)
First Generation of Koreans in Japan (2015-2018)
Korean Women Crossing Borders