Brain Korea 21


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[해외석학 초청강연] Nathalie Luca 사회과학 고등연구원 연구교수 8월 22일 16시

안녕하십니까? 서울대학교 인류학과 BK21 교육연구단과 현대한국종합연구단이 프랑스 사회과학 고등연구원의 Nathalie Luca 교수를 모시고 해외 석학 초청강연을 개최합니다. Luca 교수는 어떻게 조용기 목사의 순복음 교회와 문선명 총재의 통일교가 1980년대의 일부 서구인들에게 매력을 끌 수 있었는지 주목하고, 또 이 두 교회의 미사여구가 어떻게 각기 다른 계층의 사람들에게 공감을 받을 수 있었는지, 나아가 신도들이 종교적인 믿음을 통해 어떻게 자신들의 행동 패턴을 변화시키고 결국 신자유주의적 이념을 수용하게 되었는지 논의합니다.

강연자 Nathalie Luca (프랑스 사회과학 고등연구원/ National Center for Scientific Research 연구교수)
일시 2024.8.22. (목) 16:00-17:30
장소 서울대 사회과학관 교수대회의실 16동 312호
문의 anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr
(*별도의 사전신청 없이 참여 가능합니다.) 



Why did both the Full Gospel Church of Cho Yonggi and the Unification Church of Moon Sun-Myong appeal to some Westerners in the 1980s? What did Korean expect when they converted to Protestantism? How did the rhetoric of these two churches resonate with their followers who belonged to contrasting social classes? How did their religious beliefs change their behavioral patterns and eventually lead them to embrace the ideology of neoliberalism? They developed a very entrepreneurial spirit, accepted to be held accountable for their own and collective performances, and began to dream of what they would afford if they committed themselves to hard work. One of the major businesses that grew out of the hard work of Pentecostal believers is AMWAY Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). MLM companies expanded on a global scale relying on different religious movements according to the countries where these companies were established. They have developed a remarkable ability to adapt their coaching to the cultural, social and religious profile of their salespersons. In South Korea, the 1997 Asian crisis invalidated the theology of both Korean Pentecostal and Messianic churches. This severe recession slowed Protestant growth but not that of neoliberalism. Behaviors didn’t change. New companies emerged. What happened then? What do all these events teach us about what I call the “Believing system”. This system consists of three levels: the first is the cultural, religious and economic context, the second is beliefs and the third is behaviors. They articulate and reshape each other depending on the events.

강연자 소개

Research Professor, anthropologist, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Center for Social Research on Religion (CéSor, CNRS/EHESS), Paris, France.
President of the Ethnographic Film Committee
Chief Editor of Ethnologie française

Key research areas : Anthropology of Faith and Optimism, Anthropology of Religion, Anthropology of Entrepreneurship (France, South Korea, Haiti)