Brain Korea 21


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[해외 석학 초청강연]Valérie Gelézeau(EHESS) From Apateu to Post-urban Korea (2025/1/16 13:30)


인류학과 BK21 교육연구단에서 다음과 같이 프랑스 사회과학 고등연구원(EHESS)의 Valérie Gelézeau 교수를 모시고 해외석학 초청강연을 개최합니다. 이 강연에서 Gelézeau 교수는 “포스트 및 메타 도시 한국”에 대해 논의합니다. 현장 조사를 기반으로 한 “상황적 지식”으로서의 문화지리학 관점에서, 사람 중심의 사회적 구성물로 이해할 수 있는 ‘한국 공간’에 대한 30년간의 탐구를 공유합니다. 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여바랍니다.



일시 2025.1.16. () 13:30-15:00

장소 서울대 우석경제관 223504

문의 anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr

본 강연은 별도의 신청 없이 참여가능합니다.




<From apateu to post-urban Korea: towards a sensible approach of fieldwork>



- 강연 소개 -


In this lecture, I question my current research project on “post- and meta-urban Korea” in its framework and methods. To do so, I share three decades of questioning Korean space, understood as a social construct and with people at its centre, with the perspective of cultural geography as “situated knowledge” grounded on fieldwork. How does post-urban Korea articulate with the rise of apartments, the Korean border zone, or North Korean cities? What conception of fieldwork did all those research experience build in my scientific journey? And how can I now develop methods that will contribute developing a cultural geography adapted to the “new normal” of our societies?



- 강연자 소개 -


Professor, EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France)

Director of The Centre for Studies on China, Korea and Japan (CNRS-EHESS-Université de Paris)   

As a geographer specializing in Korea, Dr. Gelézeau questions Korean society in its relationship to space, based on qualitative field research and materials in the Korean language. She recently directed the ANR CITY-NKOR program: “City, Architecture and Urban Development in North Korea” (2018-2023: https://citynkor.hypotheses.org/). Her current project is entitled “Geography of post-urban Koreas. Non-urban and meta-urban spaces in a globalized Asian peninsula”. To carry it out, she explores sensitive and mobile fieldwork methods, and experiment with modes of writing that reshuffle the boundaries between literary fiction and scholarly research.


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