Brain Korea 21

Participating Professors

Assistant Professor PARK Hanson
During his years as an evolutionary anthropologist, Dr. Hanson Park has studied the evolution of Human Behavioral Diversity(Ethodiversity) and Individual Differences, the emergence and continuation of Dysfunctional Behavioral Mechanism in the history of hominin history, Infectious Ecology about Behavioral Immune System(BIS), and Evolutionary Medicine. Through Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), he has specifically attempted to analyze the concept of Adaptive Evolution of Multiple Behavioral Strategies according to different socio-ecological conditions.
Education & Positions
2022-Present Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University
2022-Present Executive Committee Member, Korean Society of Evolution
2022 Adjunct Professor, Center for Evolutionary Medicine, Pusan National University College of Medicine
2022-Present Advisory Committee Member, COVID 19 Vaccine Safety Committee, National Academy of Medicine of Korea
2020-Present Special Director, Korean Academy of Medicine for Emotion, Cognition, Behavior
2019 Ph.D. in Anthropology, Seoul National University
2018-22 Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Seoul National University
2018-Present International Director, Planning Director, Korea Association for Suicide Prevention
2018-19 Director, Korean Association of Social and Community Psychiatry
2018 Researcher, Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Seoul National University
2017-18 Director of Development Planning, Dongwha Pharm R&D Headquarters
2017 Master of Studies, College of Arts and Social Science(CASS), Australian National University
2015-Present Executive Committee Member, Korea Trauma Stress Society (KSTSS)
2011-17 Director and Supervisor, Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital affiliated St. Andrew’s Hospital
2011 Master of Molecular Biology Research in Medicine, Kyung Hee University
2010-11 Clinical Fellow, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital
2010-11 Researcher, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital
2007-10 Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
2004-07 Medical Officer(Captain), Artillery Regiment, 1st Division, Republic of Korea Army
2001-03 Intern and Resident, Kyung Hee University Hospital
2001 M.D., College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Office Address
Room 424, Bldg. 16 (College of Social Sciences)
Office Tel. / E-mail
02-880-9020 / hansonpark@snu.ac.kr
Courses Taught
Evolution and Human Society, The Evolution of Mind and Culture, Osteological Anthropology and Lab., Introduction to Biological Anthropology and Lab., Evolutionary Psychology and Human Culture, Studies in Biological Anthropology and Lab, Human Evolution and Disease, Evolutionary Anthropological Methodologies, Agent-Based Modelling of Culture Change(Big Data Open University), Evolutionary Medicine(Dept. of Human Systems Medicine)
Research Interests
Evolutionary Anthropology, Human Behavioral Ecology, Evolutionary Psychiatry, Evolution of Behavioral Diversity and Individual Differences, Dysfunctional Behavioral Mechanisms, Behavioral Immune System and Infectious Ecology, Adaptive Evolution and Mismatches, Human Evolution and Niche Construction, Evolutionary Medicine, and Evolutionary Public Health.
  • 2022 주산기 정신건강 문제를 가진 산모와 신생아를 위한 모아 병동에 대한 의료인류학적 고찰(Medical Anthropological Review Of Psychiatric Mother-Baby Unit In Postpartum Period). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc. Accepted
  • 2022 의과대학생과 수련의에서 진화 이론에 대한 수용과 이해에 관한 예비 연구: 의약계열 전공자와 비의약계열 전공자와의 비교(Acceptance and Understanding of the Evolutionary Theory in Medical Students, Interns and Residents: Comparison Between Medical Majors and Non-Medical Majors). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc. 61(3): 196-203
  • 2022 Evolutionary Model of Depression as an Adaptation for Blocked Social Mobility. Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 29(1): 1-8
  • 2022 자살의 진화인류학적 고찰: 자살은 어떻게 진화할 수 있는가?(Evolutionary Anthropological Considerations of Suicide: How has the Suicide Evolved? J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc. 61(2): 63-73
  • 2021 건강보험공단 청구명세서 데이터를 활용한 우울장애, 공황장애 및 외상후 스트레스 장애의 발병률 및 항우울제 처방 일수(Incidence Rates and Antidepressant, Panic Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) Claims Data in South Korea). Korean J Psychopathol. 25(1); 8-41.
  • 2021 부모의 정신질환이 자녀의 영유아기 발달에 미치는 영향과 개입 방안에 대한 고찰(Review of the Impact of Parental Mental Illness on Infant Development and Intervention Plan). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc. Feb;60(1):44-52.
  • 2021 Dubious justifiability of involuntary hospitalization: A cross-cultural, system-dynamic analysis. Rinsho Hyoka(Clinical Evaluation) 48 Suppl XXXVII:147-63
  • 2020 Evolutionary Ecological Model of Defence Activation Disorders via the Marginal Value Theorem. Psychiatry Investigation 17(5): 556-78
  • 2019 정신장애의 진화적 가설 및 한계(Evolutionary hypotheses of mental disorder and their limitations). J Korean Soc Biol Ther Psychiatry 25(3):165-182
  • 2019 정신의학의 진화생태학적 연구 시 고려사항(Considerations about Evolutionary Ecological Study of Psychiatry). Korean Journal of Cognitive Science 30(4):199-217
  • 2019 개체 행동 양상 변이의 진화적 모델(Evolutionary models of individual behavioural variations). Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 27(1): 1-12
  • 2019 정신장애의 진화유전학적 모델(Evolutionary genetic models of mental disorders). Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 26(2):33-8
  • 2019 Cultural Tradition of School Excursion and Collective Trauma of the Motor Vessel Sewol Accident; Psychiatry Investigation 16(4):256-61
  • 2018 한국형 정신건강 통합서비스 평가척도 개발을 위한 정신건강전문요원 인식도 조사 : 포커스그룹인터뷰를 중심으로(A Study on Mental Health Specialists’ Perceptions about the Integrative Mental Health Service Assessment Tool: Focus Group Interview). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 23(2): 44-51
  • 2017 우리나라 정신장애인 직업재활 현황 조사연구(Current State of Vocational Rehabilitation Program for Individuals with Disabling Mental Illness in Korea). Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 25(2): 145-52
  • 2017 디지털 재난과 재난정신건강: 정보기술사회의 명암(Cyber Disaster and Disaster Mental Health: Pros and Cons in Information Technology Society). J Computer & Communication 12(1): 29-38
  • 2016 정신병원 입원 환자들의 휴대 전화 사용에 대한 고찰(Review about Mobile Phone Use of In-Patients in Mental Hospital). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 21(2):9-15
  • 2015 일 병원 온라인 상담에 대한 기술적 분석과 고찰(Descrip tive Analysis and Review about On-Line Counseling Data at a Hospital). J Soc Korean Women Psychiatr 13(1)
  • 2015 클로자핀 유발성 빈혈 및 혈소판 증가증 증례(A Case of Clozapine-Induced Anemia and Thrombocytosis).J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 54(2): 252-6
  • 2015 진화 정신의학의 연구 방법(Research Methodologies about Evolutionary Psychiatry). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 54(1): 49-61
  • 2014 정신의학의 진화적 접근(Evolutionary Approaches toward Psychiatry). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 53(6): 347-57
  • 2014 인터넷 도박의 잠재적 문제점(Potential Problems of Internet Gambling). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 19(1): 3-8
  • 2014 의사-간호사 관계의 의료인류학적 고찰: 간호사 젠더 역할의 변화를 중심으로(Medical Anthropological Perspectives about Doctor-Nurse Relationship: in Terms of Nurse Gender Role Changes). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 19(1): 27-34
  • 2014 로마 가톨릭에서 본 영성과 정신의학(Spirituality and Psychiatry: Perspectives of The Roman Catholic Church). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 19(2): 9-17
  • 2013 인간과 영성: 인류학적인 견지(Human and Spirituality: Anthropological Perspectives). J Korean Assoc Soc Psychiatry 18(2): 85-90
  • 2013 급성 일산화탄소 중독 이후 지연성 뇌병증 증례(A Case of Delayed Encephalopathy of Carbon Monoxide Intoxication). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 52(6): 463-467
  • 2012 중장년 만성 조현병 환자에서 인지행동사회기술훈련의 효과: 6주, 전향적, 무작위 비교연구: 예비연구(A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study of Cognitive Behavioral Social Skills Training (Korean ver.) for Middle- or Older-aged Patients with Schizophrenia: a Pilot Study). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 51(4):192-201
  • 2012 고용량 졸피뎀 의존 및 디아제팜을 사용한 금단증상의 해독 증례(High-Dose Zolpidem Dependence and Detoxification from Withdrawal Symptoms Using Diazepam). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 51(3):134-8
  • 2010 일 대학병원 정신과에 협진의뢰된 환자 중 의뢰의가 섬망진단을 놓치게 하는 요인: 예비연구 (Patient Characteristics for Misdiagnosed Delirium at Psychiatric Consultation in a University Hospital: A Pilot Study). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 49(4):383-7
  • 2009 정신분열병에서 무감동과 신경심리학적 결손의 관계(Neuopsychological Deficits in Schizophrenia, Is Associated with Apathy?). J Soc Korean Women Psychiatr 7(1):47-53
  • 2009 비의료인에게 발생한 Propofol 의존 1예(A Case Report of Propofol Dependence in a Layman). the Korean Journal of Psychopharmacology 20(4):212-5
  • 2009 루이스 캐럴의 동화 ‘이상한 나라의 앨리스’와 ‘거울 나라의 앨리스’에 대한 정신분석학적 고찰(Psychoanalytic approaches toward Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and ‘Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There’). Psychoanalysis 20(2):174-181
  • 2009 국내 정신과 의사의 항정신병 약물 장기 지속형 주사제 처방에 대한 인식조사(Attitudes of Korean Psychiatrists Toward Treatment Long-acting Injectable Antipsychotic). J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 48(3):182-9
  • 2021 <단 하나의 이론(One Theory)>. 서울: RHK (공저)
  • 2021 <감염병 인류- 균은 어떻게 인류를 변화시켜왔나(Infectious Disease Humanity- How Germs Have Changed Humanity)>. 서울: 창비 (공저)
  • 2021 <호모 사피엔스- 인류는 어떻게 진화하고 공존하는가?-국립중앙박물관(Homo sapiens- How do humans evolve and coexist?- National Museum of Korea)>. 서울: 공존 (공저)
  • 2021 <카이스트 미래전략 2022(KAIST Future Strategy 2022)>. 서울: 김영사 (공저)
  • 2020 <근거기반정신심리치료의 이해와 실제(Understanding and Practice of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy)>. 서울: 대한정서인지행동의학회 (공저)
  • 2020 <포스트 코로나 사회 - 팬데믹의 경험과 달라진 세계(Post-Corona Society - The World Changed with the Experience of the Pandemic )>. 서울: 글항아리 (공저)
  • 2020 <행동과학 - 인간, 의사, 환자, 그리고 관계(Behavioral Science - Humans, Doctors, Patients, and Relationships)>. 서울: 대한신경정신의학회 출판부 (공저)
  • 2020 <카이스트 미래전략 2021(KAIST Future Strategy 2021)>. 서울: 김영사 (공저)
  • 2019 <마음으로부터 일곱 발자국- 내 감정을 똑바로 보기 위한 신경인류학 에세이(Seven Steps from the Mind- A Neuroanthropology Essay to Look at My Emotions Directly )>. 서울: 아르테
  • 2019 <진화와 인간행동- 인간의 조건에 대한 다윈주의적 전망 (Evolution and Human Behaviour- A Darwinian Perspective on the Human Condition)>. 서울: 에이도스 (역서)
  • 2018 <내가 우울한 건 다 오스트랄로피테쿠스 때문이야- 신경인류학으로 살펴본 불안하고 서투른 마음 이야기(The Reason I'm Depressed is All because of Australopithecus- A Story of an Anxious and Clumsy Mind Looked through the Glasses of Neuroanthropology )>. 서울: 휴머니스트
  • 2017 <여성의 진화- 몸, 생애사 그리고 건강 (Ancient Bodies, Modern Lives: How Evolution Has Shaped Women's Health)>. 서울: 에이도스 (역서)
  • 2016 <토닥토닥 정신과 사용설명서(TodakTodak Psychiatry User’s Manual >. 서울: 에이도스 (공저)
  • 2015 <재난과 정신건강(Disaster and Mental Health)>. 서울: 학지사 (공저)
  • 2014 <행복의 역습- 행복강박증 사회가 어떻게 개인을 병들게 하는가 (Artificial Happiness: The Dark Side of the New Happy Class)>. 서울: 아로파 (역서)
Recent Research Projects
  • Interscience for the Urban Community of the Future : Dreaming of the Space of Convivality, Sharing and Connection (National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Impact Assessment Under the Public Health Emergency of COVID-19 (Korea Institute of Health and Medical Services)
  • A Study on Comprehensive Review of Suicide Prevention Theories and Policies (Ahn Shillyeon)
  • Survey on the Disgust Sensitivity of Koreans in the Situation of the COVID 19 Epidemic (National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Feasibility Study for Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resource Management Improvement Project for the Atsinanana Rainforest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Madagascar (Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)
  • Evolutionary Anthropological Analysis about Behavioral Immune System(BIS): Focused on Behavioral Responses toward Epidemics (National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Analysis of Incidence Patterns of Suicide and Depressive Disorder using Agent-Based Simulation Modeling (National Research Foundation of Korea)
  • Sudan's ‘Schistosomiasis and Neglected Tropical Disease(NTD)' Interim Evaluation and Follow-up Project Planning Survey (Korea International Cooperation Agency, KOICA)