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Research Fellows

- Ri Choi
- Introduction
Ri Choi's research encompasses the realms of traditional music and K-Pop within both contemporary Korean society and Korean immigrant communities. Choi delves into how musical activities and practices serve as vehicles for expressing ethnic identity and shaping one's personal transnational lifestyle. Exploring the symbolic significance of the arts in reflecting social structures, Choi focuses on music as a dynamic social process, highlighting the interplay between collective identity and individual expression.
- Education
Seoul National University Ph.D. Anthropology
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa MA. Ethnomusicology
University of Hawai‘i at Manoa BA. Musicology
- Pulications
2024, “하와이 한인 민속 음악에 대한 음악인류학적 연구(Hawaii-Korean Folk Music: Transnational Practice and Local Process)”, Doctoral Dissertation, Seoul National University.
- 2023, “현대 한국 사회의 동시대 민속음악: 민속음악의 현대적 재생산과 그 변화의 구조”, 『한국 민속학』 77: 87-114.
- 2017, 『중앙아시아 고려인 전통생활문화 우즈베키스탄(서울대학교 아시아연구소 중앙아시아센터 고려인 총서 2)』, 민속원 (공저).
2013, “Branding Music, Branding Nation: the Use of Traditional Music in Promoting the National Identity of Republic of Korea”, Master’s Thesis, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.